photo 1Back in my mid thirties I started experiencing pain and fatigue after a car accident in the far western suburbs of Chicago, near Crystal Lake, Illinois.  I was seeing a chiropractor in Algonquin at the time and I will never forget what he told me back in 2002.  He said you seem to have all the pressure points and symptoms of fibromyalgia, but you don’t want that.  It is just a rich woman’s disease so they can go around saying they have a disease and have something to complain about.  At the time, I had never even heard the word fibromyalgia and immediately said I don’t have that!  Eventually and with worsening pain, I decided to follow up with a neurologist.  The neurologist said he never diagnosed people with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.  He explained there is usually an underlying issue that is often missed.  I had all kinds of testing but after months of testing, including the negative lyme disease test, he said I had “proable fibromyalgia” and sent me on my way. I was shocked.

I also had followed up with my primary care doctor and he was sure my problems had to do with depression even though I was not depressed at the time.  He started me on a prescription depression medication which made me so tired I could not even take care of my three small children.  Finally after convincing him I was not depressed, he sent me for more tests again confirming I had fibromyalgia.  As the years progressed, I went from working full time at home and raising three rambunctious boys to not being able to work at all and not even able to take my kids to the bus stop to get to the elementary school without help from neighbors.

The problem was I looked just fine and people assumed I was lazy.  I don’t know about you, but since I was previously able to work full time, maintain a household and take care of three children, two of which had special needs, I knew something was really wrong.  Over the years I have found good physicians who listen to me and understand but I have lost friends over the years.  Neighbors, friends and even family don’t always understand when you can’t get out of bed, or you have to cancel your plans with them because you are in serious pain.  They don’t always get it, because it is not visible.  You know what I mean.  Have you ever told someone you had fibromyalgia and they roll their eyes at you?

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, know that it is not all in yourrippe1 head. Some things have changed, even the Social Security Administration had a ruling to provide guidance regarding approving disability benefits for fibromyalgia (FM).  Unfortunately some doctors still treat patients like it is all in their head and many people just don’t understand what we go through daily.  Search out a physician who specializes in fibromyalgia like a rheumatologist or someone who specializes in fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.

With proper guidance, you can improve the quality of your life.  I have been seeing a rheumatologist for my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and a host of other specialists for other related issues like migraines.  I also learned that improving my diet greatly increased my quality of life.  If you are living on processed foods and lots of sugar, soda or artificial sweeteners, seriously consider making changes to improve your health.  I highly recommend a high antioxidant diet.  Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables.  I have a Beyond Chocolate protein shake every morning made with over 56,000 ORACfn (the amount of antioxidants).  My Healthy Chocolate Protein Shake is made with cold pressed chocolate and has 21 grams of protein.  I love that it is gluten free and diabetic friendly. You can try something like my shake or a smoothie with fresh organic fruits and veggies.  I just find the shake is an easy option that offers significantly more antioxidants than what I could ever get in a smoothie.

If you want to start slow, think of adding in a healthy protein shake to get your started.  Within a month I really noticed a difference.  Changing my diet was the best decision for me.  Know that you are not alone in this.   I am Lynette Henk, Beyond Healthy chocolate health consultant. Well-Beyond I can be reached at 941-216-5727 or you can visit me

Disclaimer: Beyond products are part of a comprehensive approach to a healthy lifestyle. Beyond is a super-food. Beyond products do not claim to treat, cure or prevent any medical condition.