The American Chemical Society (ACS) held a recent symposium on September 9th, 2013 in Indianapolis, “Polyphenolic Chemistry in Food Science: Flavor, Color, and Biofunctional Properties,” as part of its 246th National Meeting & Exposition.
At the symposium, the health benefits of Polyphenols were discussed. The press release from The American Chemical Society had this to say about polyphenols, “Found naturally in plant-based foods — including items with such high levels that they have been termed “superfoods” — polyphenols have been in the news as health food. Superfoods include dark chocolate, red wine, coffee, tea, nuts, and deeply colored fruits and vegetables. Recent scientific research links polyphenols, which are a type of antioxidant, with a range of possible health benefits. Among them: reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain forms of cancer. ”
The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition lists the polyphenol and antioxidant content in the 100 richest foods. Cocoa Powder and Dark chocolate are listed in the top eight of these polyphenol superfoods. Even better, patented cold pressed healthy chocolate by XO healthy chocolate has not been heated or dutched like traditional chocolate retains more of the health benefits of antioxidants and polyphenol content as they posess flavonoid benefits. XO chocolate antioxidant and flavonoid amounts are verified by Brunswick Labs. Read more information here on polyphenols in wine and antioxidant benefits.
The value of a probiotic in combination with polyphenols was also discussed. I highly recommend the XO Xobiotic solid chocolate, a cold pressed healthy chocolate with probiotic. Available in 1/2 case or full case size, samples also available at
This is exciting news for anyone who wants to improve their health by eating right. My family eats XO Healthy Chocolate daily. I am Lynette Henk. Feel free to csontact me at 941-216-5727, at [email protected] or at