I recently read an article I found quite interesting. The article written by Moises Velasquez-Manoff was called “An Immune Disorder At the Root of Autism” and was featured in the NY Times. It caught my interest because my first born child suffers with autism. I have suffered from an auto immune disease for many years. One of the markers in my blood work normally checked is the C-Reactive Protein produced by the liver. The level of CRP rises when there is inflammation throughout the body.
Since I greatly increased my daily antioxidant intake, my C-Reactive Protein tests have responded positively. Clearly improving my diet and increasing antioxidants and fiber has lowered inflammation. Dr. Barry Sears MD, author of the Zone diet believes there is a link between chronic disease and inflammation. Inflammation can be reduced by increasing antioxidants. It is an interesting theory.
Had I known that eating more antioxidants could have possibly made a difference in my sons health, I would have done whatever I could to eat healthy. I like the fact that Well Beyond Corporation, the makers of Beyond, The Healthy Chocolate, were able to find a way to cold press chocolate to keep in the antioxidant content. The antioxidant content of their product is verified by Brunswick Labs on a regular basis. Because of this, “Healthy Chocolate” is one of the highest antioxidant products on the planet. This is what I eat and feed my family every day.
I am certainly not a doctor but if it was me and I was going to be expecting or trying to get pregnant, I would increase my antioxidant content just like I would take prenatal vitamins. Definitely something to consider.
We are Three Sons Marketing LLC, parents of an autistic adult child and advocate of eating a healthy, high antioxidant diet. We get our antioxidants in cold pressed dark chocolate. We can be reached at 941-216-5727 if you have any questions, or visit us direct at ColdPressedChocolate.com.
Opinion obtained from the NY Times 8/26/12 Immune Disorders and Autism http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/26/opinion/sunday/immune-disorders-and-autism.html?smid=fb-share&_r=1&