Having acne can be heartbreaking for the individual and detrimental to one’s self-esteem. Many people who have acne suffer from a lack of confidence, and a reduced quality of life due to their appearance of constant acne breakouts. It is a common misconception that acne is only a teenage disease. It can strike at almost any age, and affects both men and women, many well into their adult years.
Blackheads are a common form of acne. Acne occurs when the over production of oil (sebum), from the sebaceous glands, clogs the follicle, which leads to the growth of bacteria. This acne bacteria multiplies, causing redness and inflammation in the form of blackheads and whiteheads. Blackheads should NOT be squeezed if you have any other option.. This leads to scarring and to the introduction of bacteria from the hands, leading to even more problems.
It is a common myth that blackheads are black because of trapped dirt. A blackhead is actually considered to be an an open comedone, the dark head on blackheads is the result of the material that has been pushed up to the surface of the skin. It’s exposure to air i what causes it to oxidize and give it the very dark black color – which is similar to the way an apple becomes discolored once it has been cut.
The area of the face that often produces more oil than others is the T-zone. This area includes the forehead, nose, and chin. Because of this, people prone to acne may notice that they get more blackheads in that area, particularly around the nose.
Acne, is a disease and is a sign of imbalance in the body internally. It is very important to adopt a regular cleansing routineas part of overall good hygiene. I recommend you start with the Well Beyond Acne Dot system and cleanser made by Jeremy Reynolds, CEO Well-Beyond of Beverly Hills, CA. The importance of diet and good nutritional supplements are also an integral part of combating acne, and is often overlooked. This is especially true for those who eat little antioxidants in fruits and vegetables and lots of processed foods.
To assist in removing acne and blackheads, review the other areas of your health and lifestyle – nutrition, proper rest, supplements, and exercise – to see if anything is out of balance which might be a factor in, causing acne to breed. Here are some simple steps to improve your skin.
1.First off, gently and safely open the pores through a facial steam. This can often be done by filling up the sink with hot water or pouring hot water into a bowl, putting your face over it and then covering your entire head with a clean towel to keep the steam in. Some find that tea tree oil,a natural antibacterial, can be added to the hot water to help to kill bacteria.
2. After you have teamed your face for 5 minutes, you can use a gentle scrub or a mask on the face to exfoliate dead skin cells.
3. After you have cleansed the skin, you should carefully apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer to the skin. The steaming actually dries out the face which could potentially cause more acne if more sebum is produced to moisturize the skin. Therefore it is vital to moisturize the face.
If you follow this regimen on a regular basis, this will help to keep the pores unblocked and reduce the likelihood of future outbreaks. . Another key is to make sure you are getting adequate amounts of sleep, shifting to a diet high in fiber and eliminating refined foods. It is also vital to drink enough water and to incorporate some form of moderate exercise hsould help to bring your acne under control.
Unfortunately even the best of efforts can sometimes make stubburn acne difficult to resolve. In these cases, I highly recommend the Well Beyond Acne Dots system. The Acne Dots are placed on the skin in the evening and taken off in the morning. They can also be worn under makeup. Within a few days, many have noticed a significant difference even when nothing else has worked.
Visit Well Beyond Acne Dots system by Jeremy Reynolds, CEO Well-Beyond of Beverly Hills, CA at AcneMarketplace.com. You can also call 941-216-5727 for details or email [email protected] to get paid to sell the amazing Acne Dots System.