Have you ever found a really exciting diet plan?
One you knew you could do if you just had the funds to make it happen?
Since it is the beginning of 2016, I have seen non-stop commercials for diet meal replacement shakes, Oprah sharing how she is losing weight and Marie Osmond showing how she is losing weight. I am sure you have been bombarded by them as well.
When you start looking into the different programs, there is no cheap or easy fix.
Having a family with serious health issues over the years, I tend to research EVERYTHING!
I liked that Beyond Healthy Chocolate Co. had a study in the American Journal Of Bariatric Medicine, the Physicians Journal Called “The Bariatrician”. On the cover they showcased the Cacao based weight loss diet and the study. The study was a 12 week weight loss plan. The average person, men and women, lost 31 pounds in just 12 weeks and over 5 inches around the waist.
They replaced two meals a day with the Beyond Protein Shake
They had one healthy “normal” meal of their choice
They enjoyed healthy snacks as needed
They enjoyed Dark Belgian Chocolate for cravings
They drank a lot of water
They spent at least 20 minutes a day exercising
Men eat 1500 calories a day
Women eat 1200 calories a day
Not really rocket science. AND They ALL LOST WEIGHT! NOT ONE PERSON DROPPED OUT OF THE STUDY! (Likely because the shakes are filling and actually taste good! In my humble personal opinion)
This is the diet I am on and I am losing the weight. If I can do this, you can too! I know you can.
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Honestly it costs money to eat.
It costs money to go out for lunch or dinner. It costs money to get that daily coffee or Frappachino at Starbucks. Even if you are a careful coupon shopper, you will find it still is costly to eat. I used to have the belief that I could not afford to eat healthy or get on a diet plan that would be good to lose weight or help with my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue health issues.
What I learned was in some cases, I was spending significantly less eating better and losing weight with the high antioxidant protein shake made by Beyond Healthy Chocolate. The reason I say in some cases, is because after the holidays I try not to spend as much money eating out, I try to cut back on groceries and clip more coupons to make up for what I spent in December. Silly I know but I keep repeating the same habit over and over. Eventually, ALWAYS, I get tired of that and start eating out again. Without question, I save serious money when I am not eating out as much.
Here is the deal on the 90 Day WEIGHT LoSS CHALLengE.
I found a great sale pack for the Beyond Healthy Chocolate Protein shake. It is called the Associate Weight Loss Pack and it comes with six bags of the protein shake. Each bag is 14 servings, so six bags is enough to replace two meals a day for six weeks.
Associate Weight Loss Pack $314
(each 14 day serving) $52.34
That does not even include the promo special going on. When you order monthly the company rewards you by giving you free product! Every third month for the first year, you get a free product equal to your monthly order! No obligation of course, but a nice benefit if you order monthly.
Okay so I know we can rule out the fast food meals that run $5, a quick lunch out, even a Starbucks Coffee will cost you more than that.
Now granted, most people don’t drink the protein shake with just water so you have to add in the other ingredients.
I make the Creamy Peanut Butter & Banana Chocolate Shake.
It requires 1/2 a banana
1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter
8 ounces of water
8 ounces of ice
2 scoops of the Beyond protein shake
Simply mix and blend in your blender to the desired consistency and enjoy!
(email [email protected] for a list of FrEE ProTEIn ShakE Recipes).
I usually buy my bananas for the week, peel them, cut them in half and throw them in a Ziplock freezer bag in the freezer. As far as my peanut butter, one 40 ounce jar lasts me a couple months. So my costs are limited. Of course if you choose to make your shake with Almond Milk or frozen fruit, it could be a little more expensive but honestly still cheaper than the McDonalds Quarter Pounder meal and I am guessing your heart and your family will be happy you are making some good choices this year.
Since you don’t need 6 weeks of shake every month, most of us order the Associate one month and then 2 of the protein shakes the next month $148 and then back to the Associate. This means in 8 weeks of replacing two meals a day, you are paying just;
Month 1: Associate weight loss pack $314
Month 2: 2 Protein Shake packs $148
That works out to just $231 a month!
**Annual $39 fee gives you the best pricing, a starter kit, website if you want to share this with your friends and the ability to start your own home based business if you prefer or just get your products free by sharing with others. Ask for details.
You don’t have to lose the weight alone. We can do this together. Join up with a buddy or lose weight with friends online like I am. We can do this. I am Lynette Henk of Three Sons Marketing LLC. You can reach me at 941-216-5727 or visit my website at CHOCOLATEDreamDIET.COM
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#chocolatediet #healthychocolate #darkchocolate #healthbenefitsofchocolate