Hello Punta Gorda! My name is Lynette Henk. Welcome to my children’s health blog. I am a local XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules representative and I am also an advocate for Florida children’s health.
Children are no less prone to headaches than adults. If your Punta Gorda child complains of pain in their head don’t ignore it.
Some of the most common triggers for headaches in children are:
Missing meals or dehydration
Getting insufficient sleep
Being under stress
Taking certain medications
Spending too much time in front of a flat screen
Consuming caffeine
Receiving a mild head injury
Eating certain foods can also trigger headaches for Punta Gorda kids and teens. Keeping a food log for your child can help you determine if diet is a factor.
If you are prone to migraines, The National Headache Foundation recommends avoiding nuts, ripened cheeses, herring, pizza, and anything fermented.
For more information about children’s health or XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules, contact me today!
Health Entrepreneur Lynette Henk Punta Gorda, Florida 33983 941-216-5727 [email protected] XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules power squaresJoin Eagle Express Team today!
I am Lynette Henk, and I am a Punta Gorda-based XO artisan chocolate member. I joined XO in May 2010. I sell the industry-leading XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules and power squares online and in Punta Gorda, Orlando, Tampa, and Sarasota. Our valued Naples customers recommend power squares because power squares are lifechanging. There is nothing on the market like this!.
Eagle Express Team is also a fantastic XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules home-based business in the Naples area. Florida entrepreneurs can supplement their income by cashing in on a high-demand Florida healthy artisan chocolate market. To learn more about Eagle Express Team, visit http://liveforchocolate.com.
Call me at 941-216-5727 to own your own XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules business in Punta Gorda, Orlando, Tampa, or Sarasota.