Are you tired of that rigid, inflexible schedule at your part time or full time job? Perhaps you have retired to Florida or Arizona only to find you are bored or missing the extra money that was coming in from your previous job. Maybe your social security or pension just don’t give you the income flexibility you had hoped for. You could choose a part time job as a Walmart greeter or a fast food server at McDonald’s or Wendy’s. Maybe even a part-time job at your local grocery store or at your local neighborhood Target store. Problem is these jobs don’t pay overly well, it is likely you are over qualified and you will be set to that fixed rigid schedule that makes it difficult to fit in golf, tennis or pickle-ball.
For these reasons and so many more, individuals choose a business opportunity where they have the flexibility to work from home. In addition, the income potential in home based business is not limited to an hourly pay or salary. Additional reasons to work from home include the many tax savings opportunities as a home based business. ( See IRS publication 587, Business use of your home for details on home office tax deductions.)
I am looking for Business Partners who are looking to succeed in business, earn a successful income and help others do the same. Individuals who care about helping others improve their health and wealth usually do well in this business. Let me show you how you and your team can earn $1500 your first week in business. Your business costs to get started are all tax deductible so you will want to keep track of receipts. A tax advisor can share the benefits of owning a home business and how they benefit those with a w-2 income. I use an amazing smartphone app called Deductr that keeps track for me even keeping track of my mileage. It works great for the Apple iPhone and Android applications.
Give me a call or send me an email, let me help you get started today on your new road to success. There is still time to join me on the Well Beyond cruise. Earn it quickly in this business. I am Lynette Henk of Three Sons Marketing LLC, Well Beyond member and business consultant. I can be reached at 941-216-5727, at [email protected] or