keeping-kids-healthyIf you are like most Sarasota parents, you do your best to keep your kids healthy. You take them to your Florida pediatrician for immunizations and vaccinations, teach them good hygiene habits, and try to get them to eat their veggies.
But what about kids in Sarasota daycare centers? Who is making sure children wash hands after using the bathroom and cover sneezes and coughs?
When researching 33983 zip code area daycare providers, ask them about their health and safety policies. Do they require that sick children stay home? Do they clean and disinfect tables and play areas? Do they require frequent hand washing?
Parents of children in daycare can do much on their own. They need to keep up-to-date on kids immunizations in Sarasota and ensure that their children are eating a wide variety of healthy foods to keep their immune system ready for anything that comes their way.
Even with all Florida parents and daycare providers do to prevent it, children will get sick. However, some studies have shown that children in daycare actually get less colds when they’re older than children that stay home. When first attending daycare, children may get sick a lot, but after about one year they often build up immunity, and are sick about as often as their stay-at-home counterparts. I guess the old saying is true (at least in this case): what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.
My name is Lynette Henk and I promote children’s health in Naples. I am also the owner of an easy part time Punta Gorda home business as a member of power squares. If you are interested in learning how you can own your own children’s health business, give me a call at 941-216-5727.
The following articles was used as source material for this blog:
The Baby Center Editorial Team, “Is it true that kids in daycare get sick more often than kids that stay home?” Baby Center,, accessed on July 19, 2012
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I am Lynette Henk, and I am a Punta Gorda-based XO artisan chocolate member. I joined XO in May 2010. I sell the industry-leading XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules and power squares online and in Punta Gorda, Miami, Tampa, and Sarasota. Our valued Naples customers recommend power squares because power squares is a great way to get the antioxidants you need to stay healthy.
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