I am going to be honest. I did great my first week on my diet. I was so excited and I knew the XO Chocolate Diet Plan works as I had lost some weight on it last year. Last week I lost 6.2 pounds and I was thrilled with my results. Tomorrow morning is my weigh in for week 2 and I am a little concerned about my results. Have you ever had just a really bad week? I mean a week you just wish would be over? Well that was my week this week. A very dear friend died on Sunday, I spent the rest of the day Sunday in the Port Charlotte Emergency Room with a friend and Tuesday was the two year anniversary of my younger brothers death. Lets just say I did not have the ideal dieting week.
I still walked every day, I still did my best to diet. There were just a few little lapses of judgement I guess you could say. In my weakness, I grabbed a few of those comfort foods I should have avoided. The great thing about this healthy Fearless28 diet is that no matter what errors I make in judgement, my Fearless28 diet can start back full swing tomorrow. Years ago I was on the Atkins Diet Plan. I followed the diet to the letter and one day I gave in and had a piece of cake. At that point, I just started gaining the weight back like crazy.
The XO Chocolate Diet I am on is not like that. If you make a mistake, you just start right back up on your diet with no problems. You don’t start gaining your weight back like I did on the Atkins diet. I wish that I had been “perfect” and followed my diet to the letter. Honestly though we don’t like in a perfect world so we have to expect that things will happen to get us off our game at times. Tomorrow I will be happy no matter what my weigh in results are. You see, my t-shirt is getting looser daily and for this I am grateful. 🙂
I am Lynette Henk, XO Chocolate Diet Dieter. I can be reached directly at 941-216-5727 or at lynette @ liveforchocolate.com. Join me on the Chocolate Diet. During the month of January you can order the Chocolate Diet for just $59.99 shipped! Order now at ColdPressedChocolate.com.