catalogWhen I picked up my mail today, it was filled with fitness magazines and health club offers. On the front of the Bowflex magazine I received today, it says “It feels good to feel good:. I get that. Today was the day I started my 2014 weight loss challenge. Instead of frustration and concern about succeeding, I have a feeling of excitement. I am anxious to meet my goal weight loss of 75 pounds. I think it makes it easier to split up the goals to something realistic.

Even though my goal is to lose 75 pounds in 2014, my immediate goal is to lose 20 pounds in 8 weeks. To me, that is doable. The plan I picked is one I lost weight on before. I met my goal last year but for some reason I just did not have a desire to lose all the weight. I was happy with the intermediate weight loss at the time. Now I am ready to go all the way and lose that last 75 pounds.

As you peruse your post office mail today, check and see how many offers you have for rippedrichexercise equipment, diet plans and gym memberships at your local fitness center. I learned from past mistakes that it is not vital to have lots of expensive equipment. Instead, focus on something simple that you can do to exercise. I enjoy exercise programs like walking and bike riding. If you are forced to stay inside due to the weather, consider buying an exercise dvd that interests you or even better, borrow your kids old Wii Fit that is collecting dust. I know, they came out with the new wii u but you can use the old Wii Fit with the balance board. I love that step program. Actually I think I will pull that out of the garage and start using it when the weather is not cooperating.

The key is to find something that works. I am excited about the contest with RIPPED & RICH where you can earn cash & prizes. They are giving away over $30,000 in cash and prizes so why not get started and get RIPPED & RICH?

I love the RIPPED & RICH website that has recipes, diet plans and even gluten free choices. You then have access to all kinds of exercise plans based on your specific needs All this is free just for ordering your RIPPED & RICH kit!

The RIPPED & RICH kit includes 28 meal replacement protein shakes, (featured on the cover of the American Journal of Bariatric Medicine), 12 Xe Energy drinks and a small box of XO healthy chocolate nuggets. If you are looking to lose weight like I am, you will want to start with two packs so you can replace two meals a day. Today I started and I had a yummy chocolate protein shake for breakfast and another for lunch. When I had a craving, I had a piece of chocolate. I am loving this!!

Join me and lets get started getting into the best shape of our lives. I am Lynette Henk, Ripped & Rich executive. Contact me at 941-216-5727, at [email protected] or at