Well Beyond Keto Healthy Chocolate

“Jeremy Reynolds, CEO of  Well-Beyond purchased the assets of Xocai healthy chocolate. ” The Beyond Healthy Chocolate president is CFO Porter Hall.

Beyond Jeremy Reynolds

Exciting opportunities exist thanks to the powerhouse executive team that exists. Thankfully Well Beyond with the help of Jeremy Reynolds, has taken over the powerhouse products of Xocai and have a powerful team of leaders to take Well Beyond to the next level. Now you can enjoy the Beyond Healthy Chocolate business with limited start-up costs unlike a brick and mortar store or a franchise opportunity.  It is expected that the Healthy Chocolate Company Lifestyle Worldwide brand will be a household name.

Details about the business, the merger, the products are available at LiveForChocolate.com or by contacting Well Beyond Gold Executive Lynette Henk at 941-676-7300.  We are always looking for new customers and business members to try our Beyond Healthy Chocolates.  If you have not yet ordered the healthiest chocolate in the world, today is the day to order!


Special offer and Healthy Chocolates available now.

New offer to join the Wellness and Digital Wealth brand Beyond. If you are looking at work from home options, this is one of the most exciting options out there. Beyond is expanding to more and more countries. Find out what we are all about at ChocolateGoldMine.com.