Punta Gorda Florida – For Immediate Release
I am pleased to announce that Well Beyond is offering an Activation Promotion to run from Wednesday, December 1, 2010 through Sunday, January 2, 2011.
This amazing home business promotion features our Enrollment With Auto-ship Promo, which is a Buy 2 — Get 1 Free offer, where FREE product(s) earned on activation orders are delivered with your first smart order order (which is established at the time of enrollment).
This is a $140 Value – FREE to You upon activation! (A great way to get more High-Antioxidant Protein Meal Replacement!)
Congratulations to our Healthy Chocolate Family members in Punta Gorda Florida and throughout the world; You’re efforts are making 2010 a very successful year!
For more information about the XO Activation Promo, please call me!
Lynette Henk
PS: Call soon, this is a limited time offer and the clock is running out!