People in Punta Gorda may be amazed, but it’s true that our gastrointestinal tract is home to hundreds of different types of bacteria, each of which is constantly trying to divide and conquer.
The ‘good’ bacteria help us absorb nutrients from the food we eat. The ‘bad’ bacteria trigger a variety of intestinal miseries like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, heartburn, stomach ulcers and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
IBS is a common ailment among Port Charlotte women and men and a leading cause of workplace absenteeism.
Bacterial imbalances in SW Florida adults are also linked to conditions such as allergies, depression, fibromyalgia, and chronic yeast infections.
Probiotics are the key to a healthy GI tract for Punta Gorda people concerned about intestinal health. Probiotics are ‘good’ bacteria that are able to survive the stomach acids and bile salts on their way to the intestines where they can grow and devour the ‘bad’ bacteria. There are relatively few foods that can successfully deliver probiotics to the intestines; aged cheeses, live-culture yogurt, kefir (a beverage consisting of fermented milk and kefir grains), and miso are some of them.
Well Beyond Corp, producers of Punta Gorda XO chocolate have developed the most effective probiotic delivery system; XO healthy chocolate. An 11 gram XO XoBiotic Square delivers one billion friendly microorganisms to the GI tract.
XO XoBiotic Squares are one of the only probiotic foods that can be eaten by Punta Gorda people who suffer from lactose intolerance.
Many Port Charlotte people who have started eating XO XoBiotic Squares not only have noticed improvement in their digestion, they feel more energetic and seem to be more resistant to catching colds.
I am Punta Gorda XO member Lynette Henk. If you are suffering from health problems that have eluded diagnosis and successful treatment, I suggest you try XO XoBiotic Squares. XO XoBiotic Squares the most delicious way to maintain GI health. To order XO XoBiotic Squares or any other XO antioxidant chocolate product, call 941-216-5727.
Create health & wealth with XO healthy chocolate products.!
Lynette Henk