Punta Gorda Teens At Risk For Eating Disorders

Hello! Welcome to the Punta Gorda children’s health blog. I am Healthy Chocolate Consultant Lynette Henk. At this site, I publish information on nutrition and health issues that affect Punta Gorda children and families. My goal is to improve the state of children’s health in the Naples area.

Despite decades of increased awareness in Naples about the dangers of a distorted body image and extreme dieting, eating disorders are still a serious problem.

A recent American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) study revealed disturbing facts about eating disorders among children.1 According to the report, 0.5 percent of teenage girls in the country are estimated to have anorexia. The bulimia rate among adolescent girls is estimated at more than double that at 1 to 2 percent. Though anorexia and bulimia are usually thought of as a problem for adolescents, Punta Gorda parents should be aware that even young Naples children are at risk, as well as males, though the rates are lower.

Florida pediatricians can help Punta Gorda parents with children affected by an eating disorder. The AAP recommends a combination approach for the treatment of eating disorders in children. Treatment plans usually include nutritional guidance and psychiatric counseling along with the appropriate medical care.

For information about my Naples wellness business, call me today!

Lynette Henk
Punta Gorda, Florida zip code 33983
[email protected]

1‘News Highlights,’ American Academy of Pediatrics, November, 22, 2010, http://www.aap.org/advocacy/releases/november2910studies.htm, accessed on Oct 14, 2011

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I am Lynette Henk, and I am a Punta Gorda-based XO artisan chocolate member. I joined XO in May 2010. I sell the industry-leading High-Antioxidant Protein Meal Replacement and power squares online and in Punta Gorda, Orlando, Tampa, and Sarasota. Our valued Naples customers recommend power squares because power squares is so yummy & easy to use.

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