ChocopiecesWhen I think of Belgian chocolate, I think of rich, decadent, luxurious chocolate that melts in your mouth. Most of us crave the taste of chocolate. Some like it when they have had a difficult day, some prefer it as a treat and others need no excuse at all to enjoy it. As a heavier person, I have always watched my weight and had to count my calories. So any form of chocolate, in a candy bar, a chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, they were all pretty much out unless I wanted to slather the extra calories directly to my hips.

When I found out that there is actually a healthy Belgian chocolate that is low in calories, and does not have the waxes, fillers and processed sugars like candy chocolate, I decided to investigate and make sure this was not a scam. I found out that not all chocolate is processed the same. Even the highest cacao content chocolate loses antioxidant benefits when it is heated or dutched.  Even the most decadent chocolate is heated or dutched which affects the antioxidant value of the chocolate.  I was impressed to find out about a healthy chocolate that uses a patented cold pressed method that does not heat or dutch the dark chocolate.

This dark healthy chocolate is actually a super food that has been sweetened with Acai and Blueberry.  This chocolate is gluten free, diabetic friendly, vegetarian and diet friendly.  There is even a study in the Bariatrician, the medical journal for bariatric medicine physicians touting the diet success of a healthy chocolate protein shake made by the same company, that uses the same cold pressed cacao sweetened with acai and blueberry that is in the healthy chocolate!

It seemed to good to be true so I checked it out a little more. I found out this Beyond Healthy Chocoalte Company xocaicomparison is not a scam at all.  It is the real deal.  All of the Beyond healthy chocolate products are verified by Brunswick Labs for the antioxidant values.  Even better, individuals that thought they could not eat chocolate because it gives them a headache or migraines, may not be affected by cold pressed chocolate because it is usually the processing of the chocolate and the waxes and fillers that cause issues.

So many have asked me about how they can sample this healthy chocolate.  Now you can affordably order the Healthiest Chocolate In The World!  I wanted to make sure to share this with health chocoholic blog post readers.  Try it out and you will quickly see the benefits just like I did!  A small box of nuggets is now available for just $34.50!  Hurry and order today!

Order your Beyond Chocolates!!  Feel free to pass this on to friends and family.  We want everyone to be healthy and enjoy this indulgent dark chocolate superfood.

Contact Lynette Henk with any questions at 941-216-5727, at prod002[email protected] or at