Yes it is true. On the cover of the Bariatrician, a bariatric journal for doctors, (American Journal of Bariatric Medicine) is featured the Beyond cold pressed chocolate polyphenols diet. The diet is based on cold pressed dark chocolate made by a company called Beyond Healthy Chocolate, Well Beyond Corporation. (Used to be known as Xocai) The diet is actually quite simple. You replace two meals a day with the Beyond wellness protein shake, you have a 600 calorie meal, up to 2 snacks as need, healthy chocolate and at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. In addition the goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day or do other healthy exercise. I simply walk my dog. It makes her happy and it is good for my health.
The chocolate used in the diet is not like the candy bars you see on the grocery store shelves. Basically you need chocolate that did not go through the dutching process, that does not have waxes, fillers or processed sugars.
Thankfully Well Beyond makes this healthy dark chocolate!
They have four delicious yet different ones to choose from. All of them are cold pressed which is key. Not heating the cocoa at high temperatures is vital. My favorites are the Beyond Nuggets, Beyond Xobiotic with a probiotic and the Xolove Chocolate Love Bites that actually increase passion in the bedroom. These chocolates taste amazing and are perfect for Valentines Day!! Trust me you need a couple cases of these because they work for men and women!
Order your Healthy Chocolate today at There is even a promo to buy 6 boxes and get 3 free which should be plenty for family, friends or even for the office. And, to keep that chocolate craving in check, order the home delivery monthly. This way you don’t run out and the healthy chocolate company gives you a free product every third month for the first year.
Cha Ching!
If you have been wondering where you can order this fantastic healthy chocolate, wonder no more. It is available with prompt shipping right to your door. Place your order for healthy chocolate or the healthy Fearless28 diet shake at Any questions call Lynette Henk, the chocolate lady at 941-676-7300 or email me at [email protected].