Orford, New Hampshire Pure Healthy Belgian Chocolate Taking The World By Storm!
We appreciate the pure healthy dark Belgian chocolate known as Beyond Healthy Chocolate. This unheated chocolate uses a patented process to keep in the antioxidants and cocoa flavanols found in raw cocoa. Pure chocolate, not heated, no waxes, no fillers, no processed sugars, diabetic friendly, gluten-free and vegetarian. Best of all this chocolate tastes amazing just like what you expect High End Dark Chocolate from Belgium to taste like. Enjoy the decadence and deliciousness of Beyond Healthy Chocolate.
Find your favorite healthy chocolates today. Top popular Beyond Chocolates include the (Xo Love Bites) Love Bites which increase passion in the bedroom, the Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup made with milk chocolate and the Xobiotic probiotic chocolate-a super creamy delicious chocolate with a probiotic. Many individuals choose to start with the variety pack. This gives you a small box of Beyond nuggets, power squares, omega squares and xobiotics so you can decide for yourself which is your favorite! One of my absolute favorites, is the Beyond Healthy Chocolate Company Power Squares since they are just 33 calories each, have an impressive amount of antioxidants and chocolate flavanols in each independently wrapped item. They taste remarkable, similar to Dark Chocolate from Belgium ought to be. I always take pleasure in the probiotic chocolates due to the fact that they are so great for you as well as they are ideal for people with belly problems. The Xo Love attacks have a terrific preference and also I appreciate the benefits of Maca and L-Arginine in the Love Bites.
We are looking for customers to try the healthiest chocolate in the world. You don’t want candy chocolate, you deserve pure healthy chocolate by Beyond. To sweeten the pot, Healthy Chocolate Co. is offering a great deal. When you order monthly, Healthy Chocolate Co. is going to give you a reward! Simply order monthly and every third month you will receive free product equal to your monthly order! If you order one box of chocolate monthly, you are eligible for one box free. If you are ordering multiple products, you qualify for that amount free. It is truly a great deal and a fun way to try out all the great products. Of course you can cancel your monthly order whenever you want as there is no obligation. You can also chanve your product whenever you want, choosing different products each month. It is all up to you! Our goal is to share the Healthiest Chocolate In The World. Try it today!
Join the Healthy Chocolate Revolution today! Reach us at 941-216-5727 or find us at our Southwest Florida Website MYCHOCOLATEVITAMINS.COM!.?.!!
You already like chocolate, almost all of us do. Now is the time to join the Healthy Chocolate Revolution. Change Your Chocolate, Change Your Life!