I just started a new 8 week weight loss diet challenge today. In the next 8 weeks, my goal is to lose an additional 20 pounds. I have been losing weight on a chocolate protein shake called the XO meal replacement shake. Not only does it taste great, I also get to enjoy healthy chocolate nuggets for cravings and a normal dinner.
For exercise, I am taking walks and bike rides, nothing crazy that is too difficult for the average person. I am also drinking lots of water. This is so easy. There is still time for you to join the RIPPED AND RICH get Fit program challenge. There are 5 categories to enter in the contest that can win you $1000 if you win the category. Are you ready to finally lose the weight? This is the diet that works. It was actually featured on the cover of the Bariatrician–The American Journal of Bariatric Medicine. In the study, the average participant lost 31 pounds in 12 weeks.
Right now, you can hurry and order the RIPPED & RICH pack. This includes 2 bags of the protein shake that makes 28 meals or 56 snacks, 12 of the Xe energy drink and a box of 24 healthy chocolate nuggets. You can do this now!!
I am Lynette Henk, Ripped and Rich member and contestant. Join me as we get in thebest shape of our lives. Would you like to get paid to help others get RIPPED & RICH too? This is the best weight loss business ever. Check out my site,GetRippedandRichNow.com or call me at 941-216-5727.