An interesting study linking autism and induced or augmented delivery was just published on August 12th in the recent edition of JAMA Pediatrics. The objective of the study was to determine if there was an increased incidence of autism with induced or augmented labor. The study used North Carolina birth records from 1990-1998 and educational research from 1997-2007.
The study showed that not only is there an increased risk of autism with induced labor, it is particularly pronounced in boys. The conclusion of the study states “Our work suggests that induction/augmentation during childbirth is associated with increased odds of autism diagnosis in childhood.”
This study highlights the need for additional research in this area specifically in regards to the causes of induced or augmented labor and if those risk factor increase the incidence of autism. It also highlights the research needed to determine if autism risk could be related to medications used to induce labor like exogenous oxytocin and prostaglandins.
The United States Government estimates that one in 50 school age children have an autism spectrum disorder. This encouraging research study indicates the importance of continuing to search out answers to help those suffering with autism and their loved ones. Preventing future cases of autism spectrum disorders should be the goal for everyone.
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