
Norma Miller shares her reaction to dark chocolate

Dark Chocolate generalized dystonia story caught my attention. I watched a video of Norma Miller as she shared her story about what happened when she started eating dark chocolate. Since I was dealing with my own health issues, I took what she said to heart. I started realizing how important nutrition. It definitely made a difference for Norma, maybe it could make a difference for me and my family. It is so important to feed your body the fuel it needs in the form of whole foods and making healthy choices. That is the case for healthy dark chocolate.

healthy chocolate benefits

Healthy Chocolate benefits

Health Benefits of Chocolate?

My family has been eating Well Beyond Healthy Chocolate for many years. We noticed health benefits personally due to increased antioxidants and making better health choices. This is especially important when you have a family member with special needs. My oldest fits that category and was and continues to be a very picky eater. The problem with being a picky eater is that you are not likely to get all the health benefits from your food. He especially hates the texture and taste of vegetables. We try to sneak them into foods but ultimately he falls short of the amounts he should eat.

Options for the family

Having the option to incorporate Healthy Chocolate was a great benefit to us. One piece of Beyond healthy chocolate equals a pound of raw spinach in antioxidant value. This makes Beyond Healthy Chocolate one of the best options. Having a treat that is only 35 calories a piece, 1 gram of sugar and 1 net carb is awesome. Perfect for those on KETO, diabetic diets, gluten free diets and more.

Shocking Reaction to Chocolate

HOWEVER, nothing quite caught my attention like this youtube video below about the Dark Chocolate Generalized Dystonia story.  Norma says she was invited to a Healthy Chocolate Party and ate the dark chocolates they gave her with her Dystonia symptoms improving.  When she ran out of “candy” chocolate the next morning, the symptoms started returning.  The difference is amazing and shocking.

Beyond healthy chocolate

I am so impressed by Norma Millers’ story and her willingness to share, that I have included it in my blog for you to review. It really makes you think about the health benefits of good nutrition.  As you watch,, make sure to see Norma as she talks with her Generalized Dystonia as well as after eating the Beyond (Xocai) Chocolates for a few months.  Beyond used to be known as Xocai. Same great product. (Now available under the MyDailyChoice umbrella of products) Share this with everyone you know!  There are so many concerns about what is in our food.  We need all the help we can get!

Worried about calories? 

A Beyond dark chocolate Power Square is just 35 calories! No worries about High Calorie Candy Chocolate here.  This is the Beyond Healthy Chocolate with gluten free, diabetic friendly, Kosher, KETO and vegetarian options.  No processed sugars, no waxes or fillers.  Our Chocolate is not Candy.  It is not heated like traditional chocolate.  It keeps in the antioxidants and flavonoids.  We are considered the Healthiest Chocolate in The World.

Health Chocolate

If you are dealing with any chronic condition, consider what eating lots of antioxidants and flavanoids every day can do for you!  If you are lucky enough to be healthy and want to stay that way, incorporating Beyond Healthy Chocolates into your diet is something to enjoy.

No matter if you want to start your own MyDailyChoice (MDC) Beyond Healthy Chocolate business from your home or you want to simply order products for you and your family, we are here for you.

Reach us HERE

Any questions, reach out to Lynette Henk of Three Sons Marketing LLC out of Punta Gorda, Florida.  We are here todana1help you.  We can be reached at 941-676-7300 or  .  

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Beyond products are part of a comprehensive approach to a healthy lifestyle.  The content on this blog is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.