I am a mom of an autistic adult child. He is a great kid and I love him with all of my heart. However as many parents of autistic children know, raising a child with autism is difficult. As they become adults it becomes even more difficult. The Sunday, April 21st edition of Parade Magazine included an article called “Stitching Together A Family” by Anne-Marie O’Neill. It caught my attention becase it was about Tommy & Dee Hilfiger, their blended family and each having a child on the autism spectrum. Tommy Hilfiger has a daughter named Kathleen and Dee has a son named Alex who both suffer with a form of autism.
Tommy Hilfiger voiced the same concern my husband and I have regarding our adult son. He was quoted as saying “One always prays for the day when they can be totally independent, but there’s a question mark. We hope that Kathleen and Alex will grow up to be productive, healthy, happy. But we don’t really know.”
Bob Wright, the co-founder of Autism Speaks says that focusing on the needs of the growing number of adults with autism is a big concern. He states “The resources for adults are sorely lacking, and demand is booming.” “As a society, we must address this, and address it soon.” Currently there are limited options for adult autistic children, most living with parents who are trying to cope as best they can. One concern is that as autistic children age into adulthood, their frustrated behavior and mood issues could be a serious concern. Imagine an 18 year old adult sized child having a temper tantrum. If improving a diet could make a difference it certainly was worth a shot.
This was the case for our son over a year ago. It was at this point that I was willing to try about anything. His physician changed his medications and we put him on a high antioxidant cold pressed chocolate wellness shake each morning. This high antioxidant chocolate shake has over 56,000 ORACfn antioxidants and is an excellent source of protein. I also give our son XO high antioxidant cold pressed chocolate as a supplement. Improving his diet and increasing antioxidants has helped control his mood. This was a big issue for our family as our son grew up and was more difficult to control. It has been well over a year that he has been on this shake and the difference is dramatic. If you have a child on the autism spectrum, seriously consider what kind of foods they are eating. We have limited processed foods and focus on high antioxidant super foods.
I am Lynette Henk, autism advocate and XO Healthy Chocolate member. I highly recommend the Beyond Healthy Chocolate Company meal replacement shake and the healthy chocolate products including nuggets as a great way to increase antioxidants for better health. I can be reached at 941-216-5727, [email protected] or at ColdPressedChocolate.com.
Sunday, April 21st edition of Parade Magazine article “Stitching Together A Family” by Anne-Marie O’Neill