
It is time to review insurance plans for those on Medicare and those purchasing insurance on the marketplace often known as Obamacare. Lots of changes for many this year so always important to check out changes in co-pays and cost of prescription medications. Humana is one of the big names in the insurance game and so it is very important for them to focus on keeping their customers healthy. That is why I was interested to see a new article by Humana today titled “Can Something as Good as Chocolate Really Be Good for Your Heart?” The article on the Humana website made it clear that not just any chocolate will do. In fact, it is important that it be flavonoid rich chocolate. Here is why:

“Chocolate is made from cocoa, and the cocoa bean is very rich in plant nutrients called flavonoids. Flavonoids help protect plants from environmental toxins. They also help repair damage. When we eat foods that are rich in flavonoids, it appears that we also benefit from these same protective, antioxidant properties.”

In fact, the Humana article goes on to say that “Several studies have shown that dark chocolate may go beyond lowering blood pressure and reducing blood clots. It may actually help protect against heart attacks and strokes.”


Remember candy chocolate is not what you are looking for. Even 70% chocolate that is heated and high in sugars, waxes and fillers is not ideal. There is only one Healthy Chocolate. Make sure you and your loved ones are eating Healthy delicious belgian chocolate. Enjoy Beyond Healthy Chocolate guilt free today. Contact us direct at HealthyChocolateFlorida.com or call 941-216-5727 and we will place your order and have your chocolate shipped direct to your door quickly.

Don’t wait another day. Simple changes make a difference.

We are Three Sons Marketing LLC of Punta Gorda, Florida and we are here to help. We are also looking for members of Well-Beyond Healthy Chocolate to get get the word out about these highly beneficial products. Get paid to make a difference. Ask me how. 941-216-5727

Can Something As Good As Chocolate Really Be Good For Your Heart?, https://www.humana.com/learning-center/health-and-wellbeing/healthy-living/chocolate-and-heart-health