My Dog Is Afraid of Storms!
Is your dog afraid of storms? My dog Bella has been afraid of rain, thunder and fireworks for years. We tried everything we could think of to calm her down, but nothing we tried worked. The veterinarian made recommendations that we followed but they did not help. We tried the thundershirt for awhile. Ultimately that did not help her either. Having your dog terrified of bad weather is horrible. Our dog shakes uncontrollably, whines and wants you to hold her in your lap. She is not a lap dog as she is well over 50 pounds, but she thinks she is.
We Would Do Anything For Our Dog
Seeing her suffer is just the worst. We have tried so many things to help our dog get through the storms. Here in Florida, rainy season starts soon. The vet offered some medications and choices but they did not help her. We tried a Thundershirt with no luck. Is your dog afraid of storms too?
What we have been doing.
We normally had to lay down with her on the bed and watch kids movies with music for hours until the storms passed. I can’t even count how many times we have watched the Disney Encanto movie. Too many to count. 🙂 Not the ideal solution for sure.
What Is Working
I am just thrilled that we found dog treats that calm her down! These are my new go to for our baby! Hurry, order these before the next storm and try them with your furry friend. Is your dog afraid of storms too?
Order these magic oil dog treats right now! Click here to order
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