Game Changer for Self-Employed
The new rules for health insurance are definitely a game changer for self-employed individuals and entrepreneurs. If you live in the United States, It really does not matter if you are for or are against Obamacare. Open enrollment for the Obamacare plans roll out on October 1st, 2013 and most of the provisions will be effective if we want them to or not. There are certainly advantages in the health law provisions for those who are self-employed or who have dreams of entrepreneurship.
Self-Employed Health Insurance Policy
For as long as I can remember, concerns about the best health insurance policy always determined which full-time position I accepted. It is one of the main reasons I took a job at GE Capital instead of working for a smaller start-up company. I can’t even begin to count how many people I know that decided to take a part-time job at Starbuck’s or Target, some of the companies that offered health insurance to part-time workers, just because they needed health insurance. Insurance has been a growing concern, especially for a stay at home mom or dad who has been raising the kids while the other parent has followed a corporate career path. When these parents split, which unfortunately is often with the 50% plus divorce rate, health insurance often becomes an issue forcing the other parent to work for insurance and leave the kids in daycare.
You No Longer Need An Employer
According to Sara Collins, a vice president at the nonprofit research group Commonwealth Fund in New York, “People won’t have to make career decisions based on whether or not they have health insurance through a job.” This is huge for self-employed people everywhere. If you want to work for yourself and not have to rely on an employer, you can do it. If your dream is to work from home for yourself, this now becomes a realistic option for you. If you are a stay at home mom or dad who wants to work part-time from home while the kids are in school, this is now an option for you that also affords you the opportunity to have health insurance.

If you dream of entrepreneurship and the flexibility of working from home, around your schedule and doing what you love, Obamacare may be your ticket out of the corporate rat race. Well, Obamacare and the drive to succeed of course. Just the fact that you have options and can look at things differently is quite exciting. Instead of having to take the corporate job, you now can consider what is best for your situation. Something to consider for sure.
I am Lynette Henk, Well Beyond Healthy Chocolate member. I work from home sharing healthy chocolate and helping others build a successful team and business of their own. If you want to get paid to help others succeed, call me. I can be reached at 941-676-7300, at [email protected] or at
I am Lynette Henk of Three Sons Marketing LLC. I am a leader with Well Beyond sharing health and wellness products. This is a great home based business option if you are looking for flexibility.
Very insightful, don’t see that very often.
Thank you.