When the right opportunity appears, high-end entrepreneurs take action. They are the ones who quickly see the opportunity potential and grow a big team quickly. If you are on the fast track and are looking for the opportunity, this is it. Not going to play games, this is for those who are looking to earn 5K in 2 weeks and quickly multiply the growth.
Commit and get started today. When you order the propack 1200, you immediately fast track to Executive and can quickly move up to Director. I am including a FREE ticket ($197 value!) to join us at the Well Beyond Las Vegas 1st Annual Convention held at the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa March 15th and 16th, 2019 if you are one of the first four who reach out.
An additional FREE ticket ($197 value!) to the Well Beyond Las Vegas Annual Convention can be earned when you help two others join with the propack 1200 in one week. In addition, you will earn $1200 in double fast start bonuses.
There is a path to quickly move up the ranks of Well Beyond. The products are transformational. The opportunity and income potential are staggering. Meet the Well Beyond founders, Executive Team, and top field leaders in Las Vegas and join us as we take this business Well Beyond.
Join Lynette Henk, Director by calling (941) 676-7300 or visit ChocolateGoldMine.com