Ready To Travel?

Test drive our prepaid travel booking engine today. Did you know you can start a travel business and test drive our booking engine right now? With the economy going crazy, costs of even the basics going up, having an extra stream of income sounds like a great option right about now. Considering Christmas will be here before you know it, many individuals are looking for a fun activity or vacation instead of collecting gifts. This is a perfect time to share wholesale travel.

Travel Leaders

It’s not a secret that travel memberships are DEAD! In fact, travel memberships historically have led to poor retention and challenge to attract actual customers because of two very simple things:

1) People don’t travel every month

2) People don’t want to pay every month for something they don’t use

It’s True!

The companies in our industry have reskinned the same booking engine 100+ times and tied a membership to it. Really, there’s nothing unique, special, or attractive about this model anymore.

Let’s be real … if you were in the travel membership business during the pandemic, your business was completely wiped out. 😩 It is sad to say, but it is reality.

Old Travel Business Model

We used to have the same travel business model like everyone else did, and we recognized it is seriously overplayed. We have masterminded with some of the top travel players in the world to put this concept together. ⬇️

Travel Hack

What if there was a travel hack to help the average person get access to wholesale travel without ever having to pay a monthly/annual travel membership fee? That is exactly what we just launched with High Life Travel – Prepaid Travel! Test drive our prepaid travel portal today!

Wholesale travel deal portal
Wholesale Travel deal portal.

Why Is Prepaid Travel The Next Big Thing?

1) For the first time ever, people are now able to prepay for travel savings without having to pay any membership fees at all!

2) Get access to wholesale travel rates for as little as 7 cents on the dollar.

3) Travel on your own terms. Your savings never expire!

Key Travel Highlights

1) Over 800,000 hotels and resorts worldwide

2) Hotel and resorts at wholesale prices up to 70% off public rates

3) Save on meeting spaces, car rentals, flights, condo weeks, and cruises

4) 110% price match guarantee

5) No black out dates #wholesaletravel #wholesaletravelrates #traveldeals



Ready to start your travel business and Test drive our prepaid travel booking engine? If you are ready to earn that extra stream of income and save big on wholesale travel, let’s go! Reach out to Lynette Henk at Three Sons Marketing LLC. You can also visit our website at or text 941.268.1354. Can’t Wait? Join our Livestream right now.

Three Sons Marketing LLC is an affiliate of MyDailyChoice. Reach us at 941.268.1354 or visit