National and local Naples food advertisers can sabotage your Punta Gorda child’s health. Food manufacturers, like most Naples corporations, are motivated by profit, not by what’s best for Punta Gorda kids.
Their tools are deceptive language, cartoon characters, celebrities, and false promises of popularity. Punta Gorda parents can help youth better handle the constant media barrage by teaching them:
The components of a healthy diet
The implied messages and false promises of Punta Gorda food ads
Nutritional balance and moderation
How to read and understand Naples food labels
How excessive TV watching and internet viewing can affect health
If you encounter a local Punta Gorda food ad that is deceptive, contact the Naples Better Business Bureau. To complain about national ads, send a letter to the Children’s Advertising Review Unit, Council of Better Business Bureaus, 845 Third Ave, New York, NY 10022.
Nothing will change until Naples families unite to fight deceptive advertising aimed at Punta Gorda children. For more information on children’s nutrition in Naples, call me today.
Lynette Henk Punta Gorda, Florida 33983 941-216-5727 [email protected]
Join Eagle Express Team today!
I am Lynette Henk, and I am a Punta Gorda-based XO artisan chocolate member. I joined XO in May 2010. I sell the industry-leading XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules and power squares online and in Punta Gorda, Orlando, Tampa, and Sarasota. Our valued Naples customers recommend power squares because power squares are lifechanging. There is nothing on the market like this!.
Eagle Express Team is also a fantastic XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules home-based business in the Naples area. Florida entrepreneurs can supplement their income by cashing in on a high-demand Florida healthy artisan chocolate market. To learn more about Eagle Express Team, visit
Call me at 941-216-5727 to own your own XoVitality Anti-Aging Capsules business in Punta Gorda, Orlando, Tampa, or Sarasota.