I have honestly been waiting with great anticipation for the official launch of Well-Beyond. This company owns Beyond Healthy Chocolate and Remity products and is poised for great success.
Apparently many other entrepreneurs and those who watch new MLM start-ups are aware of the powerhouse management team headed by Jeremy Reynolds of Beyond Healthy Chocolate Company fame as master distributor and multi-million dollar earner, and his impressive team with mad network marketing success and skill set. To not pay attention to the opportunity here would be questionable at best. That is because anyone who knows the direct sales industry, knows that the Beyond chocolate products are unlike anything on the market and have quite the following for 12 years. There are customers and business owners who have regularly consumed these products for many years because they personally made a difference in their lives. Story after story sharing how beneficial Beyond healthy chocolate is has made quite an impact.
In my family alone we saw significant benefits with our sons autism symptoms, my fibromyalgia and type 2 diabetes and my husbands gastroparesis. For these reasons we have continued to purchase Beyond products that have included Beyond protein shake, Xe energy drink, Beyond Xobiotic squares and Xo Love Bites. It is personal testimonies like this that put Well Beyond Healthy Chocolate at a distinct advantage as a ground floor direct sales opportunity. It is quite literally the best of both worlds. The excitement and interest that come with a really good direct sales opportunity and the advantage of seasoned products that really work. Add this to the fact that we are talking about delicious healthy dark chocolate at a timeout more and more consumers are focused on improved health. The fact that you can literally get the health benefits in antioxidant and flavonoid values in one piece of Beyond chocolate that you would get in 1 pound of raw spinach is astonishing. The fact that each piece is just 35 calories and still tastes delicious as Belgian dark chocolate should be a very powerful reason to jump into this business opportunity with a running start. The launch at Tahiti Village in Las Vegas happens this week. I am in Vegas for the launch. If you want to try this delicious chocolate or learn about the business and happen to be in Vegas,call me at (941) 676-7300. I would be happy to share the vision of Well-Beyond. We also love customers so ask me how you can earn free product as a customer jusr for being loyal.
This is an opportunity not to miss. Contact Lynette Henk of Three Sons Marketing LLC. Call (941) 676-7300.
You can also visit our site at HealthyChocolateFix.com.