Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Thank God for healthy chocolate. I have noticed if my day is overly stressful, eating small amounts of dark chocolate help improve my mood. I also am dieting as a New Years Resolution goal and tend to crave sweets. Having access to chocolates before a meal with a glass of water, tends to curb my cravings. That in turn helps me eat less. Yippee! Since the chocolates I am eating are full of nutrition, I don’t feel guilty at all. 🙂 One of the perks of eating healthy chocolate.
Are All Chocolates The Same?
No. It is important to find out how many flavanols are in your chocolate. My Beyond chocolates are just 35 calories each, 1 gram of sugar, 1 net carb and equal in antioxidants to over a pound of raw spinach. Seriously, one piece is equal to a big overflowing bowl of raw spinach! Can you say wow. This stuff is low in sugar, KETO friendly, a good option for most diabetics and even kosher! I know it sounds crazy, but it is true! Now you can understand why I say Thank God for healthy chocolate!
Kuna Indians and Chocolate
Information on dark chocolate and the Kuna Indians is mentioned in this Harvard article from the Nutrition Source. Here is a quote you will find interesting.
“Observational studies support the benefits of cocoa flavanols. The link between blood pressure and high cocoa intake was described in a study of the Kuna Indians, an isolated tribe who live on the Caribbean Coast of Panama. [5] Hypertension was extremely uncommon in this group, even among older ages, and even with a dietary salt intake that is greater than most Western populations. When the Kuna migrated to urban environments and changed their diets, their rates of high blood pressure increased. Notably, their traditional intake of cocoa as a beverage was very high, at more than five cups daily of either home-grown or Colombian cocoa powder rich in flavanols “
FInd your flavanol rich chocolate here. My favorites are the Beyond X Power Square and the Xobiotic Square. Try them today and see for yourself. Enjoy no guilt Healthy Chocolate today. Reach out to Lynette Henk of Three Sons Marketing LLC at 941.676.7300 or visit our website at We are always here to help.
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Product Disclaimer
Three Sons Marketing LLC is an affiliate of MyDailyChoice. Contact us today to get your healthy chocolate fix! We are looking for leaders to grow our team and share healthy chocolate and the BodyMelt Wellness plan.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. MyDailyChoice, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the improper use of and self-diagnosis and/or treatment using these products.